Bemerkungen |
Siehe Vorlage 1.
Abstimmungsfrage (auf bislama, englisch und französisch):
Mi sapotem propos jenses long konstitusen blong adem Artikol 17B
I support the proposed amendment to the Constitution to insert Article 17B
Je soutiens l'amendement proposé à la Constitution à insérer l'article 17B"
Mi no sapotem propos jenses long konstitusen blong adem Artikol 17B
I do not support the proposed amendment to the Constitution to insert Article 17B
Je ne soutiens pas l'amendement proposé à la Constitution à insérer l'article 17B"
Der neue Artikel 17B verpflichtet unabhängige Abgeordnete und Einzelmasken, sich
einer Partei anzuschliessen, sonst verlieren sie ihren Sitz.
Art. 17B (neu):
17B Vacation of seat of an independent member
(1) This Article applies to a member of Parliament who:
(a) is elected to Parliament as an independent candidate; or
(b) is the only member representing a political party; or
(c) is elected to Parliament representing a custom movement.
(2) Within 3 months after the first day of the first sitting of Parliament at
which the Speaker and the Prime Minister are elected, a member of
Parliament referred to under subarticle (1) must submit to the Clerk of
Parliament a declaration of his or her affiliation to a political party
represented in Parliament, in the form approved by the Clerk of Parliament
and counter-signed by the political party’s President.
(3) In the case of a by-election, a newly elected member of Parliament
referred to under subarticle (1) must, within 3 months after the first day of
the next sitting of Parliament after that by-election, submit to the Clerk of
Parliament a declaration of his or her affiliation to a political party
represented in Parliament, in the form approved by the Clerk of Parliament
and counter-signed by the political party’s President.
(4) At the next sitting of the Parliament:
(a) in the case of a general election - the Speaker must, having
received affiliations under subarticle (2), officially announce the
affiliations of all members of Parliament; or
(b) in the case of a by-election - the Speaker must, having received the
newly elected member of Parliament’s affiliation under subarticle
(3), officially announce the affiliation of that member of
(5) A member of Parliament who fails to make a declaration under subarticle
(2) or (3) is deemed to have vacated his or her seat at the end of the 3
month period referred to in that subarticle.
(6) The President of a political party must notify the Speaker in writing within
14 days after a member of Parliament has ceased to be affiliated with the
political party in accordance with the political party’s constitution.
(7) The Speaker must, within 7 days of receiving the notice under subarticle
(6), declare the seat of the member of Parliament vacant by Order
published in the Gazette.
(8) For the purposes of this Article, a member of Parliament is deemed to have
ceased to be affiliated with a political party when he or she satisfies the
grounds provided under the political party’s constitution that indicate
when a member is deemed to have ceased to be affiliated with the political
(9) This Article applies despite the provisions of subarticle 5(1) of this