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Nördliche Marianen, 6. November 2012 : Volkswahl des Generalstaatsanwalts

Gebiet Nördliche Marianen
┗━ Stellung abhängiges Gebiet mit begrenzter Selbstverwaltung (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)
Vorlage Volkswahl des Generalstaatsanwalts
┗━ Fragemuster Entscheidungsfrage
┗━ Gesetzliche Grundlage Obligatorisches Referendum → durch Parlament → bindend → Stufe: Verfassung → Partialrevision (Einzelthema)
Ergebnis angenommen
┗━ Mehrheiten gültige Stimmen
Stimmberechtigte 16'771
Stimmbeteiligung 12'599 75,12%
Stimmen ausser Betracht 1'270
Gültige (= massgebende) Stimmen 11'329auf die gültigen Stimmen bezogen
┗━ Ja-Stimmen 9'248 81,63%
┗━ Nein-Stimmen 2'081 18,37%
Medien Stimmzettel
Bemerkungen Obligatorisches Verfassungsreferendum nach Kap. XVIII, Art. 2 und 5 der Verfassung: 75%-Mehrheit in beiden Kammern und Mehrheit der gültigen Stimmen.

Zusammen mit allgemeinen Wahlen abgehalten. Fragen auf englisch, chamorro und karolinisch. Die Urnen sind von bis geöffnet. Amtliches Endergebnis der Wahlkommission vom .

House Legislative Initiative 17-2; vom Abgeordnetenhaus am und vom Senat am gebilligt.

Kap. III Art. 11
Attorney General. The governor shall appoint an Attorney General with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Attorney General shall be a resident and a domiciliary of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands for at least three years immediately preceding the date on which the Attorney General is confirmed.
There is in the Commonwealth government an Office of the Attorney General to be headed by an attorney general. The Office of the Attorney General is established as an independent agency within the executive branch of the Commonwealth government. The attorney general shall be elected at large within the Commonwealth for a term of office of four years. The Attorney General shall be the Chief Legal Officer of the Commonwealth government and shall be responsible for providing legal advice to the governor and executive departments (including public corporations and autonomous agencies), representing the Commonwealth in all legal matters, and prosecuting violations of Commonwealth law.
(a) The attorney general shall be at least thirty-five years of age, be a U.S. citizen and a resident and domicilary of the Commonwealth for at least five years immediately preceding the date on which the attorney general takes office.
(b) The attorney general shall have been admitted to the practice of law in the Commonwealth for at least five years preceding the date on which the attorney general takes office and shall not have been suspended from the practice of law in any jurisdiction of the United States for violation of ethical rules governing the practice of attorneys.
(c) No person convicted ot a felony or a crime of moral turpitude in the Commonwealth or in any area under the jurisdiction of the United States may be eligible for this office.
(d) Elections for attorney general shall be nonpartisan, and candidates shall not declare any party affiliation. The legislature may enacts laws to ensure the nonpartisan nature of elections for attorney general.
(e) After the Commonwealth Election Commission certifies the results of an election for attorney general, if no candidate receive more than one half of the total votes cast for attorney general, on the fourteenth day thereafter, a runoff election shall be held between the candidates for attorney general receiving the highest and second highest number of votes cast for that office. Runoff election procedures shall be provided by law.
(f) The attorney general shall receive a salary of one hundred thirty thousand dollars per year. Upon the recommendation of the advisory commission on compensation provided for by Article II, Section 10, of this Constitution, the legislature may change the salary of the attorney general, except that the salary of the attorney general may not be changed during a term of office.
(g) The attorney general may not sreve in another Commonwealth position, or on any commission or borad, and may not receive compensation for performance of official duties or from any governmental body except as provided by this Section.
(h) The attorney general is subject to impeachment as provided in article II, section 8, of this Constitution for treason, commission of a felony or crime of moral turpitude, corruption, or neglect of duty.
(i) If the office of attorney general becomes vacant, the governor shall fill the vacancy by appointing the unsucessful candidate for the office in the last election who received the largest number of votes and is willing to serve. If no candidate is available, the governor shall appoint a person qualified for the office of attorney general with the advice and consent of the Senate. The attorney general appointed pursuant of this provision shall serve until the next general election.
Transitional provision: The provisions of this section on the day before the effective date of this initiative shall remain in force until the next general election and until an elected attorney general is elected and qualified.

"Do you approve of House Legislative Initiative 17-2, HD3, HS2 to amend Article III, Section 11 of the Constitution of the Northern Mariana Islands to authorize the election of an Attorney General?
Yes or No."

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