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Liberia, 3. Mai 1927 : Anforderungen für passives Wahlrecht; Zusammensetzung des Obersten Gerichts

Gebiet Liberia
┗━ Stellung unabhängiger Staat
Vorlage Anforderungen für passives Wahlrecht; Zusammensetzung des Obersten Gerichts
┗━ Fragemuster Entscheidungsfrage
┗━ Gesetzliche Grundlage Obligatorisches Referendum → durch Parlament → bindend → Stufe: Verfassung → Partialrevision (Paket)
Ergebnis angenommen
┗━ Mehrheiten 66,67% der gültigen Stimmen
Stimmberechtigte ---
Stimmbeteiligung --- --- %
Stimmen ausser Betracht ---
Gültige (= massgebende) Stimmen ---auf die gültigen Stimmen bezogen
┗━ Ja-Stimmen --- --- %
┗━ Nein-Stimmen --- --- %
Bemerkungen Am beschliesst das Parlament Verfassungsänderungen, die es am in Kraft setzt. Zusammen mit den allgemeinen Wahlen abgehalten.

Obligatorisches Verfassungsreferendum nach Kap. V Art. 17 der Verfassung. Nötig ist eine Zweidrittelsmehrheit der Stimmenden. Die Stimmenden schreiben "adoption" oder "no adoption" auf ihren Stimmzettel.

Kap. 2 Art. 2 Satz 2:

"No person shall be a representative who has not resided in the county two whole years immediately previous to his election and who shall not when elected, be an inhabitant of the county, and does not own unencumbered real estate of not less value than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, in the county in which he resides; and who shall not have attained the age of twenty-three years."

Kap. 2 Art. 5 Satz 2:
"No person shall be a Senator, who shall not have resided three whole years immediately previous to his election in the Republic of Liberia, and who shall not when elected, be an inhabitant of the county which he represents, and who does not own unencumbered real estate of not less value than one thousand two hundred dollars in the county which he represents, and who shall not have attained the age of twenty-five years."

Kap. III Art. 7:
"No person shall be eligible to the office of President, who has not been a citizen of this Republic for at least five fifteen years; and who shall not have attained the age of thirty five years; and who is not possessed of unencumbered real estate, of the value of six hundred two thousand and five hundred dollars."

Kap. IV Art. 3:
"The judges of the Supreme Court shall be the chief and two associate justices.
The number of justices of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia shall be limited to one chief justice and four associate justices, a majority of whom shall be deemed competent to transact the business of the Supreme Court and from whose judgment there shall be no appeal."

Vollständigkeit Zahlen fehlen ganz
Letzte Änderung