Volksinitiative durch 10% der Stimmberechtigten. Zur Annahme ist die Mehrheit
aller abgegebenen Stimmen nötig (§ 16201, 16206 Guam Code).
"Proposal C
An Initiative to add new Section 1105 to Titel II, Government Code, limiting
appropriations of Government of Guam beginning with Fiscal Year 1986, to 95% of
actual expenditures of Fiscal Year ending two years prior; Allocating all revenues
in excess of expending limitations for eleminations of existing general fund
deficits and elimination of unfunded liability of Government of Guam Retired
Fund; Continuing said limits until deficits eliminated, unfunded liability of
Retirement Fund eliminated, or it is repealed by majority of voters at a
General Election; Subject persons to criminal and civil penalties for
expenditures violation sepnding limitations."