Amerikanisch-Samoa, 4. November 2014 : Parlament kann Veto des Gouverneurs aufheben
┗━ Stellung
abhängiges Gebiet mit begrenzter Selbstverwaltung (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)
Parlament kann Veto des Gouverneurs aufheben
┗━ Fragemuster
┗━ Gesetzliche Grundlage
Obligatorisches Referendum → durch Parlament → bindend → Stufe: Verfassung → Partialrevision (Einzelthema)
┗━ Mehrheiten
gültige Stimmen
--- %
Stimmen ausser Betracht
Gültige (= massgebende) Stimmen
auf die gültigen Stimmen bezogen
┗━ Ja-Stimmen
┗━ Nein-Stimmen
Wiederholung der Vorlage vom
Am beschliessen der Senat und am das Abgeordnetenhaus des
Fonos (Parlament) einstimmig, das Veto des Gouverneurs in Zukunft vom
Fono selbst statt vom US-Innenministerium überstimmen zu lassen.
Zusammen mit den Wahlen abgehalten. Die Urnen sind von bis geöffnet.
Amtliches Endergebnis vom .
Obligatorisches Verfassungsreferendum für Einzelthemen durch den Fono gemäss
Kap. V Art. 3. In beiden Häusern des Fono ist eine 60%-Mehrheit nötig.
Kap. II Art. 9 Abs. 3:
Not later than 14 months after a bill has been vetoed by the Governor, it may
be passed over his veto by a two-thirds majority of the entire membership of
each House at any session of the Legislature, regular or special. A bill so
repassed shall be represented to the Governor for his approval
become law 90 days after the adjournment of the session in which it was
repassed. If he does not approve it within 15 days, he shall send
it together with his comment thereon to the Secretary of the Interior. If the
Secretary of the Interior approves it within 90 days after its receipt by him,
it shall become a law; otherwise it shall not.
Kap. II Art. 19:
An act of the Legislature required to be approved and approved by the Governor
only shall take effect no-sooner than 60 days from the end of the session at
which the same shall have been passed while an act required to be approved
by the Secretary of the Interior only after its veto by the Governor and so
approved shall take effect no sooner than 40 days after its return to the
Governor by the Secretary of the Interior. The foregoing is subject to
the exception that in case of an emergency the act may take effect at an earlier
date stated in the act provided that the emergency be declared in the preamble
and in the body of the act.
"Should Article II, Sections 9 and 19 of the revised constitution of American
Samoa be revised to give the Fono, rather than the Secretary for the U.S.
Department of Interior, the power to override the Governor's veto?"